Call Number

Call a phone number from your Ionic App. Learn how we integrated Call Number plugin to Ion2FullApp Ionic Template to call a number directly from the Ionic app.

We removed this plugin because it’s not stable and it was causing lots of problems. Use it at your own risk.

We use this plugin to call a number directly from the app.

To install the plugin run:

$ ionic plugin add call-number --save

$ npm install --save @ionic-native/call-number

Usage example:

The usage is very simple, we only need to know the phone number we want to call when the platform is ready.

    this.platform.ready().then(() => {
      this.inAppBrowser('', '_blank', "location=yes");

The second parameter from the callNumber function is a boolean to bypass the app chooser. Set it to true if you always wish to bypass the app chooser if user has multiple applications installed that can handle calls.

<button ion-button clear (click)="call()">   
    <ion-icon name="md-call"></ion-icon>

For more information go to

Last updated